
Welcome to Receiptify! This is your gateway to transforming your favorite Spotify tracks into visually appealing receipts. Whether you’re interested in displaying your musical preferences or simply curious about your listening patterns, Receiptify provides an enjoyable and straightforward experience.

How to Use Receiptify?

Eager to get into a world of new music experience, check out the newer way of savoring your music taste. Be it on a Mobile device or a Desktop, we have you covered! Just follow the below mentioned steps:

Receiptify Spotify

Receiptify Herokuapp

Process Of Using Receiptify!

Receiptify is an entertaining tool that turns your Spotify listening history into a stylish receipt format. To use Receiptify, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Receiptify Website: Start by opening your web browser and going to the Receptify site.
  • Connect to Spotify: You’ll find a link to your Spotify account on the homepage. Click this to begin.
  • Log In to Spotify: If you have not already logged into Spotify, you will be prompted to enter your login details.
  • Authorize Receiptify: Permit Receptify to access your listening history on Spotify.
  • Choose Your Time Frame: You can select to generate a receipt for your most-played songs over the last month, the past six months, or your all-time favorites.
  • Generate and View Your Receipt: Receptify will create a receipt for your top tracks once you’ve made your choice.
  • Save or Share: You can download the receipt as an image or share it on social media.

Enjoy visualizing your music listening habits in a unique and fun way with Receiptify!

How Can A Receipt Be Shared on Social Media via Receiptify

While several individuals post these musical summaries on social media, some might not know how to add these receipts to their profiles. Here’s a quick how-to:

  • Go to the bottom of the receipt on the Receiptify website.
  • Look for the ‘Get Image’ button.
  • Click it, and the receipt will become a downloadable image on your device.
  • For those using a smartphone, or if you can’t access the site, take a screenshot and post it as an image.

Easily share your unique musical journey by following these simple steps on Receiptify

What Is Receiptify Spotify?


Receiptify Spotify Music: Turn your favorite Spotify songs into excellent receipt-like lists. Connect with your Spotify account to see which tracks you’ve played the most over the last month or six months. This feature lets you see your listening trends in a fun, unique way and even share them with friends!

Importance of Spotify Receiptify:

  • A Snapshot of Your Music Love: Receptify shows you a clear picture of the songs and artists you can’t get enough of. It’s like looking at a photo album of your musical tastes.
  • Discover More About Your Music: Seeing your most-played tracks can be eye-opening. It may lead you to find new songs and artists that fit your style.
  • Share Your Soundtrack: It’s a fun and easy way to let your friends peek into your music world. Sharing your musical receipt can start great conversations about tunes and artists.
  • Make Your Spotify Yours: Receptify adds a personal flair to your Spotify experience. It turns your listening stats into something unique and personal to you.
  • See How Your Tastes Change: By looking at your receipts over time, you can see how your music preferences grow and change. It’s like having a diary of your musical journey.

In essence, Spotify Receptify is like a friend who knows your music habits inside out. It brings a more personal, fun, and social dimension to your Spotify experience.

How To Create Spotify Receipt?

To begin, visit the Official website and log in with your Spotify account. Grant the necessary access permissions and let Receptify process your data. Once ready, view and share your personalized receipt displaying your top 10 tracks from the past month, six months, or all-time.

Who Created Receiptify?


Michelle Liu is crafting something special at the intersection of technology and art through her advanced studies in information systems at Dietrich College. Imagine transforming your Spotify playlist into a unique piece of art that looks like a shopping receipt. That’s precisely what Michelle’s project accomplishes. It quickly captured the attention of many, attracting over a million users shortly after its debut.

A boost from the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry fund helped Michelle’s concept soar, spotlighting her talent for creating digital art that resonates with a broad audience.

Here’s the breakdown: Users select their music service and a period—the last month, six months, or their entire tunes history. A quick visit to a specific site on Google’s Herokuapp brings to life a ‘receipt’ detailing their music preferences. Each line item on this receipt lists a song, its artist, how often you’ve played it, and the song’s duration. It’s then saved as a PNG file, perfect for sharing with friends and family. Michelle’s project offers a novel way to share your musical taste, engaging millions worldwide.

Why Must Every User Have It?

Spotify Receptify offers numerous benefits for Spotify users, making it a valuable tool. Here’s why every user should consider it:

  • Enhanced Music Discovery: Discover your most-listened artists and genres, gaining insights into your musical preferences for an enriched music discovery experience.
  • Nostalgic Reflection: Gain a deeper understanding of why certain types of music resonate with you, creating a thoughtful reflection on your unique musical journey.
  • Facilitating Conversations: Share your personalized receipts on social media platforms, sparking conversations about music tastes and preferences with friends and followers.
  • Stay Informed with Music Updates: Keep track of your evolving music preferences over time, staying informed about the latest updates in your listening habits.
  • User-Friendly Accessibility: Receptify is user-friendly, ensuring a seamless and accessible experience for all Spotify users.


Is Receiptify Spotify safe?

Yes, Receiptify ensures top security with strong encryption and no storage of streaming data, boosting privacy.

Does It Work For iTunes/YouTube Music?

Receiptify currently supports Spotify Stats and Apple Music, with YouTube Music and iTunes integration planned for the near future.

How Often Are Spotify Receipts Updated?

Receiptify updates in real time with your Spotify and Apple Music activity, ensuring your music receipt accurately reflects your latest preferences.

Does It Require Paying For A Subscription?

Generating unlimited music streaming receipts on Receiptify is free, with all features available without subscription fees.

Can I Post My Spotify/Apple Music On Instagram?

Yes! Receiptify allows easy sharing of music receipts on Instagram and other social media, enabling users to showcase their tastes and interact with followers.


Michelle Liu’s Google Receptify transforms top albums into receipt-style lists with track details inspired by @albumreceipts. This unique platform appeals to music enthusiasts seeking a stylish way to explore tunes.